A former student of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS), and "agrégé" in philosophy (ranked 2nd in the 2011 session of the high-level competitive national exam, "l’agrégation"), my doctoral research (2012-2018) emphasised the importance of the deliberations of the people in Rousseau's political philosophy.
My articles in the history of political thought have been published in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Consecutio Temporum, and Asterion. The book resulting from my thesis, entitled Les Délibérations du peuple. Contexte et concepts de la philosophie politique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (The People’s Deliberations: Context and Concepts of the Political Philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau), was published in 2024 by Classiques Garnier.
In 2015, I received a regional grant to conduct a research stay at the Ethics Research Center of the University of Montreal. During my stay, I further delved into deliberative democracy and epistemic democracy. To cement my entry into the field of democratic theory, as well as to enrich it with an interdisciplinary approach, in 2018 I founded the junior laboratory MAAD (Current Changes and Approaches to Democracy) with two political scientists and a team of ten other young researchers at the ENS of Lyon. The common thread running through my research within this laboratory was extra-electoral democracy and the new model of democratic citizenship that emerges from it. My participation in the observation of the Citizens Convention for Climate was linked to this project.
My articles in political theory have been published in Philosophiques, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, Raisons Politiques, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, and Critical Review.
Since July 2023, I have been a postdoctoral associate at Yale, where I am continuing my work on democratic theory and deliberative democracy, with an emphasis on AI and the formation of political judgments.